No-one is left behind!

While hearing impairments are often identified in babies, they may not develop or make themselves known for several years. This means that it’s essential to keep an eye out for the signs of hearing impairment in the classroom, particularly in young children. At some point in their career, every teacher could find that they are teaching a child with an undiagnosed hearing impairment.

Here are some of the common signs of hearing impairments that you can look for in young children:

  • Not responding when their name is called
  • Problems with concentration, excessive tiredness and frustration with work
  • Watching your lips intently as you speak
  • Speaking too loudly or too quietly
  • Watching others do something before attempting it themselves
  • Becoming increasingly withdrawn from others in the classroom
  • Delayed speech and communication development
  • Mishearing or mispronouncing words
  • Not being able to hear what’s happening if there is any background noise
  • Making minimal contributions to classroom discussion
  • Difficulty with reading and linking it to speech

Chandy is 21 years old and studying in grade 11. His teacher rightfully suspected hearing problems. We brought the boy to the ‘All Ears Cambodia’centre in Siem Reap, where specialists diagnosed a considerable hearing loss. Now, he is using hearing aids! That’s a world of difference!

Thanks to ‘All Ears Cambodia’ for the support and Teacher Houk for being so attentive and following up!

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