The Benefits of Bilingual Education for Pre-schoolers: Practices for Educators and Parents

Prof Dr Luigi Iannacci from TRent University, Ontario Canada ill speak about : The Benefits of Bilingual Education for Pre-schoolers: Practices for Educators and Parents.

At the TDSO Campus and online on Thursday  18 May from 07.00 till 08.00 pm

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Dr. Luigi Iannacci has over 30 years of experience in education and has been a Professor in the School of Education and Professional Learning at Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada  since 2005. He teaches and coordinates courses that focus on literacy and diverse learners. Dr. Iannacci has taught mainstream and special education in a range of elementary grades in Ontario, Canada. His research interests and publications are focused on language and literacy learning and teaching, critical multiculturalism, critical dis/ability studies, early childhood education, critical narrative research and ethics. He is the past president of LLRC (Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada). His latest book “Reconceptualizng Disability in Education” (Lexington Press) is being used at the in-service, pre-service and graduate level provincially, nationally and internationally.  His present research looks at the levelling of readers. He is the recipient of the Paul Harris Fellow for his international literacy work.

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