How to run a reading project? Free workshop for Teachers

You are kindly invited to attend this FREE teacher training course, which will take place on

Saturdays November 4, 11, 18 and 25

from 14.00 till 17.00 pm


For information call 076 4147 769 – 096 2617 079 – 088 2775 783 

Number of seats strictly limited.

Your Trainer is Mr Son Nat


The number of seats strictly limited.


Who is this course intended for?

The TDSO Teacher Training program is a modular training program designed for English Teachers and English teacher coaches.

The course focuses on teaching skills and methodologies.

The course participants are deemed to have the needed knowledge of the English language. It is NOT a language course.

The courses are on Saturdays, and therefore can be easily combined with a and a normal family life.

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