Recap of the Parent-Teacher Meeting held by EFL Department

On 09/11/2023, the Director of the English Language (EFL) department and the teacher team conducted a “Parent-Teacher Meeting” at TDSO – Teacher Development Support Organization campus.
The meeting covered a range of important topics, including:
– A review of the school’s regulations, emphasizing the importance of parental involvement and monitoring their child’s academic performance.
– An introduction to the TDSO implementation plan 2024, outlining our objectives and strategies to achieve them.
– A discussion of TDSO’s commitment to compliance with the MoEYS Cambodia‘s regulations regarding student health and nutrition, including our implementation of food safety and hygiene protocols.
– A focus on sustainability and responsible waste management, including how we aim to reduce plastic usage among students by adopting sustainable practices.
It was also an opportunity to brief every parent individually on their children’s academic achievement and provide detailed feedback to answer any queries. These discussions aimed to provide a comprehensive view of the child’s academic progress and identify areas for improvement.
It is imperative that parents take advantage of such events to gain valuable insight into their child’s education, and we look forward to seeing continued parental involvement in the future.
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